Monday, April 29, 2019

Unicorns Existed!

It turns out that unicorns do exist, that they are called Elasmotherium sibiricum and that they walked the earth thousands of years ago. But they did not look like what you think.

You can learn more about unicorns and download pictures here.

Yes, they had less of a horse with horn than a somewhat stylized rhinoceros (his legs are longer than the rhinos we know). Until now scientists believed that the Elasmotherium sibiricum had become extinct 350,000 years ago. But it turns out that just 29,000 years ago, in an area of Kazakhstan called Pavlodar, there were some of these specimens, which were supposed to have walked alongside men. We know this now because researchers at Tomsk State University in Russia have found a skull of this animal, according to a study published this month in the American Journal of Applied Sciences.

The analysis of the skull indicates that the specimen found is a male whose proportions are typical of the "Siberian unicorn", two meters long and 4.5 wide, but what has surprised them is that this animal walked through that area at a time when it is assumed that the other specimens of his species had died hundreds of thousands of years ago.

"Southern Western Siberia was most likely a refuge for them, where this rhinoceros has been kept for the longest time compared to the rest of its category," said Andrei Shpansky of Tomsk. With his discovery, not only have the mental image we have of this mythological symbol been definitively loaded, but scientists have also set out to "better understand the past in order to make more accurate predictions about natural processes in the near future," those that could affect all of us. We are talking, of course, about climate change.

Since you are still here, check out these lovely images of unicorns, we hope you like them.

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